Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Demographic

I started this blog mainly to serve as an outlet for thoughts that have no other place to go, no appropriate recipient or medium. While most of my demographic would opt for a facebook note or relentless twitter updates, I find something disturbing about those forums. Before I get carried away, perhaps I should explain what 'my demographic' entails. I hope I can accomplish an accurate portrayal while maintaining anonymity. The group I am referring to consists of the affluent, young, suburban, somewhat professional girl. The celebrity-blog-checking- twitter-updating-self-photo-taking-north-american-prototypical girl. Without appearing 'judgmental' (we all know how much that grinds everybody's gears), it seems that I am surrounded by a group of brainless, shallow individuals with no other aim than to perfect their facebook profile picture pose. I think at this point I'm just curious to know if there's anybody else out there wondering, is there more?

1 comment:

  1. There are people wondering if there's more. Believe that. We are on the cusp of a new renaissance. The internet will usher in a time of great learning... it is only in it's infancy now but I will see it in my lifetime, if I have to force it to happen myself.

    There are millions of people out there looking for more. Looking for a deeper spiritual meaning to life, and a deeper understanding of nature and science and the sociological fabric in which they exist. They just have yet to find the correct leaders. They have yet to have the fire ignited inside of them. The lust for life and knowledge will be common place one day, though. People will turn their TV's off and they will go out and change the world according to tenets that stabilize and uplift the whole of humanity.

    I am neither a woman, nor affluent, nor suburban. But I am judgmental, unapologetically, and I do feel surrounded by a vacuum of mindlessness.

    I don't wonder if there's more. I know there is. I can see it in my mind's eye so clearly that I can damn near taste it. Smell it. Feel it.

    Your first blog post has piqued my interest.

    On a side note: you left a comment on my "review of Nomad", which I inadvertently rejected, as opposed to approving. I was wondering if you would want to re-submit it? Or if not, if you might not mind if I were to re-submit it in a comment of my own, explaining what happened? what you said was relevant and it was due to fumbling fingers on a touch screen that I accidentally deleted it. Let me know. Thanks. I think I will follow your blog and see what comes to fruition here.
